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Learning Fractions for the Musical/Rhythmic


This is a way to learn fractions if you are a musical/rhythmic person. If you look at the chart on the right, you can see how every music note value is related to a picture of a fraction.


The first row, which shows the purple circle, is 1 whole. If you look to it's right, you see the music note value which represents a whole note.


The second row, which has the blue semi-circle, represents a half note. If you look to its right, it shows the music note which represents a half note value.


The third row represents a quarter of a fraction. It is the yellow quarter of a circle. To it's right you can see the quarter note value.


The fourth row represents an eighth of a circle. On the right you can see the eighth note value.


The fifth row has a red 16th piece of a circle which represents a 16th note value. To the right of that there is a 16th note value.


All these note values in music give us the rhythm of a song. 


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